I haven't read Junot Diaz yet, but a profile on him that appeared in Thursday's Washington Post got me interested in his work. I am partly drawn to him because I get the impression that he is writing very honestly about what The Post interview called "the myth of hypermasculinity, the notion of how real men are supposed to behave."
He's also clearly an SF/F reader: In the interview he talks about how time travel stories do a better job of explaining the immigrant experience than realistic novels (he's Dominican by birth) and makes the observation, "Some of the myths that nation-states hold dear are no less absurd than Hobbits." Apparently he likes to throw Tolkien allusions into his work, too.

How can I not read someone who likes the same writers I do? Alas, my local library seems to have only the audiobook of Diaz's new novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, and I'm damned if my first exposure to a new author is going to be through a recording.
I'm only familiar with his short fiction (and didn't even know this piece...
... was expanded to a novel). Good on him, though.
Thanks for the link. I enjoyed the story.
Although I can't find it online, NPR (Fresh Air, I think) did a lovely interview with Mr. Diaz, talking about his love for speculative fiction and his efforts to write strong women.
Hi, I'm the co-founder of Slice, a new print literary magazine debuting this month. Our first issue features an exclusive interview with Junot Diaz about his beginnings as a writer -- check out www.slicemagazine.org to learn more about us.
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