
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Sheree Thomas has been invited to Breadloaf!

Sheree Renée Thomas, author of two beautiful books published by Aqueduct, has been invited to attend a writer’s workshop with novelist Luis Alberto Urrea at Bread Loaf Environmental Writers Conference at Middlebury College in Vermont this summer. Out of hundreds of applicants only five were chosen to work with this award winning author, whom Sheree admires.

However, this brilliant opportunity comes with a steep price tag. That is where we all come in. Let's raise these costs for Sheree so she can pay the tuition, buy a plane ticket from Tennessee, leave her bills paid at home, (as she will lose paid work to attend the workshop,) and have some dollars left in hand for daily needs and emergencies. 

5,100.00 will cover these expenses. I hope that fans, friends, and colleagues who have admired Sheree’s brilliant writing, or benefited from her visionary editing and teaching, might step up with whatever they can spare. Let's make sure Sheree can take this great opportunity: work with an admired, master writer on her gorgeous new novel, network with other visionaries, and have time to create. As of this afternoon, she's nearly one-fifth there.

Above all, Sheree needs time to focus on her own writing without the constant pressure of financial worries and family obligations. She is an author who has lifted many, many other artists through her generous vision, editorial genius, and producing skills. Won't it be great for her to have a peaceful month to work her own stories and poems, and contemplate her own dreams?
(And then we get to read the new works, too!)

The tuition for the conference and workshop is due in April, 2018, so we have no time to lose. I believe we can do this! Let's make it happen for Sheree! Go here to contribute to the GoFundMe drive Pan Morrigan has set up to get Sheree to the conference.

Please give all you can, and share with everybody you know, as often as you can. I thank you for your consideration! Artists and lovers of the arts gotta stick together!

Please appreciate Sheree's brilliant resume right here, and go check out her gorgeous, groundbreaking books, too. They are available at Aqueduct Press.

Sheree Renée Thomas is the two-time winner of the World Fantasy Award for her groundbreaking anthologies, Dark Matter anthologies (2001, 2005), named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. She is the 2017 recipient of the L.A. Banks Award for Outstanding Achievement, a 2016 Tennessee Arts Commission Fellow, and the 2015 Lucille Geier-Lakes Writer-in-Residence at Smith College. She is the author of Sleeping Under the Tree of Life (Aqueduct Press), named on the 2016 James Tiptree, Jr. Award Longlist and Shotgun Lullabies: Stories & Poems. Her stories and poetry are translated in French, Urdu, and Spanish and her essays, articles, reviews have appeared in the New York Times and ESSENCE. A multigenre writer, Sheree’s stories and poems appear in several anthologies, including The Ringing Ear edited by Nikky Finney and Ghost Fishing: Eco-Justice Poetry edited by Melissa Tuckey (University of Georgia Press). She has been honored with fellowships from the Cave Canem Foundation, the Wallace Foundation, the Millay Colony of the Arts, the NY Foundation of the Arts, VCCA, Ledig House, and Blue Mountain Center. Based in Memphis, Thomas is the Associate Editor of Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora and the founder of Black Pot Mojo Arts.

I love Sheree's stories and poetry, and so would love to read a novel by Sheree. 


ETA: The funding goal has been met! Congratulations, Sheree! 

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