
Monday, November 3, 2014

Three cheers for Arrate!

Arrate Hidalgo Sanchez, who has been Aqueduct Press's intern since March, has finished her internship. We Aqueductistas might have been feeling sad about saying good-bye to her, but the good news is that she's joining Aqueduct as an associate editor. Over the course of her internship, Arrate has demonstrated a great talent for editing. And she is thoughtful and meticulous. Our submissions have been rising sharply, and (as probably a few of you know very well, who've been waiting for me to get to your book) I've been struggling to keep up with them. Each book takes a lot of time, and I have only so much to give (if I'm to have a life at all, that is). And so I'm deliriously happy to have Arrate's help with the front-line editing. 

ETA 11/23/2014
Kath has asked me to clarify my role in reading in submissions: viz., that I myself read only a fraction of those we receive. Kath and Arrate are Aqueduct's first readers. Not only have our submissions in toto been rising sharply, but the number reaching me are, too.