
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seattle's Feminist Science Fiction Book Club

A great good friend of Aqueduct Press, Paige Clifton-Steele, has organized a feminist science fiction book club that meets in Seattle once a month. Here's the latest from Paige on what they're up to:

The Feminist Science Fiction Book Club exists to promote the fiction of women and transpeople with a particular focus on explicitly feminist works--and that's taking for granted that feminist means queer, anti-racist,anti-cissexist, anti-imperialist, and anti ableism, and some other antis I'm probably forgetting too. Not everybody's at the same level. We're interested in reading a variety of works, because it pushes the conversation and because it's fun.

Our first 2 books were Slow River by Nicola Griffith and "The Heat Death of the Universe" by Pamela Zoline. Next month our book is Nalo Hopkinson's Brown Girl in the Ring.

We meet the second Tuesday of every month in Pilot Books, on 219 Broadway E, Seattle WA. That location is up a flight of stairs with no option of an elevator. For March, that's the 8th. Come meet the people who are also reading this stuff. Or check us out on facebook at: (I'm pretty sure you have to be logged in)

Paige Clifton-Steele

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