
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday evening, in Buffalo

Two Aqueductistas will be appearing at a bookstore event in Buffalo on Wednesday. The Aqueductistas are Chan Davis and Josh Lukin, the bookstore is Talking Leaves, and the event is a celebration of the publication of It Walks in Beauty: Selected Prose of Chandler Davis, a book edited by Josh Lukin and published by Aqueduct Press. Chan and Josh will be reading and signing.

Samuel R. Delany, by the way, recently posted this comment on his Facebook page:
I'm reading a really fine book, of great interest to historians of the middle 20th century, people who like science fiction, and general fans of clear thought and good fiction: It Walks in Beauty: The Collected Prose of Chandler Davis, edited by Josh Lukin.
I do wish I were able to attend myself. I'm sure the discussion will be both entertaining and stimulating.


  1. Thanks, Timmi: hope I have thyme and energy to report on it to ya. And remember Chan's interest in seeing you at the October Toronto event.

  2. Wish I could be there. It's a lovely book. The stories are great, and Josh does a wonderful job of putting everything in perspective (as usual).

  3. Thank you, Nancy. Sorry we can't do a Texas event. Chan's already balked at the possibility of scheduling a Toronto reading at the end of a week in which he'll have to visit Syracuse and Ann Arbor: "I'm not seventy-five any longer, you know."
