
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Seattle's Anarchist Bookfair

An anarchist bookfair is being held this weekend in Seattle at the Underground Events Center (2407 1st Ave, between Battery and Wall Streets). Three Aqueductistas will be appearing on a panel there Sunday at 11 a.m.:

Beyond The Dispossessed: Anarchism and Science Fiction

This panel, presented by Common Action, will consist of local anarchist fans, writers, and scholars of science fiction. The panel will discuss major works of anarchist and leftist science fiction, and anarchist themes in science fiction; i.e. anarchist utopias and dystopias, class struggle, radical social movements and revolutions in sci-fi. We will also explore the intersection of feminist, anti-racist and Marxist science fiction with anarchist sci-fi. We will discuss the dynamics of anarchists in sci-fi fandom, and sci-fi fans in the anarchist movement. The workshop will also cover the relationship between social movements and sci-fi’s representations of the future, and the transformation power of speculative literature.

Panelists: L. Timmel Duchamp, Eileen Gunn, Kristin King, Saab Lofton, Nisi Shawl, Ariel Wetzel

I think the panel that most interests me (perhaps because I've just done a stint of jury service) is this one:

Community Accountability/Transformative Justice (Panel)

Transformative Justice is a radical strategy of response to conflict, a revolutionary alternative to the on-going violence and oppression of the State’s criminal justice system.

As an analysis, it takes seriously conflict’s place within systems of oppression. As a practice, it strives to put justice in the hands of the communities directly involved.

A panel featuring members of For Crying Out Loud, Common Action, and others, will discuss their perspectives on Transformative Justice, how it differs from other forms of justice, their groups’ successes and difficulties in applying it, and its relevance to anarchists. The panel will then be opened to Q & A and general discussion.

For Crying Out Loud is a group dedicated to preventing, addressing, and talking about sexual assault and perpetrator accountability in an anti-authoritarian setting. For a lot more info go to:

Many of the other panels really grab me, too; they cover a broad spectrum of subjects (as you can see from the schedule I'm pasting in below). Imagine, a walking tour of Seattle's Radical Past and Present! You can read about all the programming they're offering here. & here is the full schedule:

Tentative Workshop Schedule

Time Location Title

10:00 W Ganging Up on the Bosses: a New Model of Direct Action Organizing
10:30 S Anarchy and Art! Discussion and Making things
11:30 W Panel: Too brown or not brown enough: Response from the fringes
12:00 S Anarchy and Improvisation: workshop and discussion
1:00 W Panel: Aging, Disability and Allyship in the Community: Don’t leave us behind at the end of the march!
1:30 S Panel: Community Accountability/Transformative Justice
2:30 W Panel: Building Alternatives to Capitalism: Egalitarian Economics at the Emma Goldman Finishing School
3:00 S Aggressor Accountability
4:00 W Your Eyes My Body My Eyes Your Body: Body Image
4:30 S
6:00 W Walking Tour of Seattle’s Radical Past & Present

Time Location Title

11:00 W Panel: Beyond The Dispossessed: Anarchism and Science Fiction
11:30 S Our Archives–writing & preserving anti-authoritarian history
12:30 W Intro to Video Activism
1:00 S Anarchists Against the Wall: who are they and why is everybody interested in Israel/Palestine talking about them?
2:00 W Intellectual Property is Intellectual Theft: anarchists, free software, and the digital commons
2:30 S North West Anarchist/Autonomous People Of Color on Racism, Sexism, Homophobia Now in Anarcho-Radical Movements presentation/panel
3:30 W Panel: Collective housing/Intentional Community
4:00 S Sex, Riot, and Queer Potentiality
5:00 W Panel: Anarchism and anti-racism

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I could attend. Other commitments mean I can't make it. Which is sad because it looks far more interesting than the Seattle Bookfest going on next week.
