
Sunday, June 22, 2008

2008 Pilgrim Award

I've found another item of interest to all intense Aqueductistas, in that same issue of the SFRA Review I mentioned earlier today. Adam Frisch writes:

British SF critic and writer Gwyneth Jones has been selected as the recipient of this year's SFRA Pilgrim Award. She joins an illustrious set of former Pilgrim winners whose criticism has continually demonstrated science fiction's relevance to our contemporary world, its problems, and its potential.

Congratulations, Gwyneth!


  1. Niall, I just accidentally rejected your comment instead of publishing it. Could you repost? I don't have an e-mail address for you so I'm posting this here in the hopes you'll see it. Sorry about that.

  2. Heh, no problem -- though from memory, all I said was something like, "good choice!" I think Deconstructing the Starships was the first book of sf criticism I ever read.

  3. Would that everyone were so lucky, Niall! I had good luck with my first book of sf criticism, too-- it was Delany's Jewel-Hinged Jaw. But just think of how many bad books of sf criticism there are, to turn off potential readers of the genre...
