
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Correction to Previous Post: Writing the Other is by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward

In a previous post, I attributed a concept that's presented in Writing the Other to the writer Nisi Shawl. Shawl did not write the book alone; she collaborated with another writer, Cynthia Ward. I should have attributed the concept to both of them. I apologize for my error.

(I actually misremembered the concept as having been attributed specifically to Nisi in the book, but having gone back and reread, I see my memory was faulty.)

Anyway, Writing the Other is an amazing book. I refer to it all the time in my writing and teaching. If anyone hasn't read it, I recommend recommend recommend.

Again, apologies to Ms. Ward.

(This post will be replicated on Alas, A Blog, and my personal livejournal, where the original essay was cross-posted, within the next few days.)

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